Whatever else you might think about Red Bull, they sponsored a great little corner of 2005's Love Parade in San Francisco. It was pretty amazing, all this craziness right smack dab in front of City Hall. If corporate sponsorship always looked this cool,l we'd think differently about it.
I love this pic: Boof smack dab in front of City Hall. Monica's sitting on Boof, using him as a ladder to assemble the piece that'll eventually be on top of the four VW Bugs that'll form the centerpiece of Red Bull's little corner of Love Parade:
More Boof vs. City Hall:
The dreaded heart pinyata. That thing took insane amounts of work to put together. A beautiful piece of work though, it was filled with 200 rose heads:
I showed up at like 8pm to drop off Boof, they asked if I could help, I said sure, and before I knew it the sun was rising... Here we are finally putting the four Bugs into position:
What wouldn't roll got lifted:
Louis, the prime mover of all these Bugs, and Boof behind him, cranking the Easy E for all the morning dog walkers:
I wish this pic came out better because it sums up the night for me: Boof with it's new fabric wrapped around him, blasting hip hop, with beers in the front seat that we'd been drinking all night, and City Hall like 50 feet away. God bless San Francisco.
With the Bugs in position, I went home to grab some quick sleep.
Build a Boof and they will come. I showed up at like 1:30 with lots of would-be Boofers milling around.
Megan and Erika working the crowd.
Kids love Boof.
This little #@#@ tried to steal the Boof keys. That would have been fun...
We snagged one of the Red Bull bean bags and put it on top of Boof.
Cody lounging on Boof:
I like this shot:
People lining up to be Boofed:
Mabel working the crowd, giving them the spiel: "Ok, you sit down, press any button, it'll take four pictures, then print them out here". "Yes, it's free". "Yes, it really prints out".
Another shot of Mabel. And note Red Bull's double decker bus, incredibly well done, and covered with more wax than a wax museum. But it had nothing on Boof.
An aerial view of Boof among the rubble:
The real action was at the Porta Potties. Holy crap, I've never waited in line so painfully long to take a piss:
Boof made it from sunrise to sunset.
Until next time...